Contact Info
Phone: (519) 886-1097  |  Email:
Neil McKellar, Vice President of Operations


Neil graduated from Wilfred Laurier University with a Masters of Business Administration.  He also has an undergraduate degree in Forestry.  For the last 10 years Neil worked at Shell Energy leading power and natural gas origination teams operating in most of the North American markets. Before that Neil spent more than 17 years working at Canada’s largest electrical utility, Ontario Hydro. During this time he helped develop commercial and industrial energy management programs, conducted energy audits, provided input into government energy legislation and developed several large cogeneration projects.



  • Responsible for the development and operation of the VIP Energy Services U.S. Division
  • Developed and conducted XENCAP energy audits of all the commercial and industrial facilities in Ontario
  • Facilitated the development and implementation of several demand management and energy efficiency incentive programs
  • Sat on several government committees to develop key energy policies
  • Participated in the development of the deregulated Ontario electricity market rules and structure
  • Managed the development of several large cogeneration and district energy projects



  • MBA, Masters of Business Administration
  • CET, Certified Engineering Technologist

You can contact Neil by email at or telephone at (519) 886-1097 ext. 1